I don’t know how you’ve been coping with lockdown, but I have made it through with the help of red wine… many, many bottles of red wine. So much for only drinking on weekends. Every day during lockdown has so far felt like a weekend. That’s my reasoning.
But there was one night/morning, where I joined a group of fellow authors for a drink. It was nighttime for them, and 6.30am for me. But surely during lockdown, drinking at 6.30am is pretty much the same as drinking at 6.30pm? Right?
So at 6.30am, on the 30th April (NZ time), I joined fellow crime authors Alan Jones, Derek Farrell, Roz Watkins, Zoe Sharp, Karen Murdarasi, Lesley Kelly, Rob Scragg, Lucy Atkins and Ashley Erwin for a virtual Noir At The Bar. What a wild night/morning of live readings, and questions from the audience.
There is a whole series of videos online from all the authors who were slated to appear at Newcastle Noir this year. If you’ve ever wanted to dip your toe into reading thrillers, now is your chance. And you can do it all from home!
I can’t wait until Newcastle Noir next year, where I’ll get to meet all those wonderful authors, live, in person. The drinks are on me.